Honda and Acura enthusiast club Forum

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H.A. will not and do not discriminate against anyone for any reason. Discrimination of other club members or belittling them. (Remember not everyone can either afford or wishes to upgrade or dress up their cars the same as you). Membership is open to all imports and domestic cars Stock or modified. Any member should not and will not put themselves above another. All members must attend at least one meeting a month Everyone is expected to help each other like family and work together. All vehicles are expected to be clean and maintained or at least be in progress to be somewhat nice all members must agree on each and every subject or they will not pass (Majority rules). All Club members are required to abide by State, County and City Motor Vehicle rules and regulations. Abuse of this rule by a member is subject to their membership reevaluation. Anyone inquiring about the club must be serious about joining (Please do not join just to say you’re in a club). No member should use profane language, gestures, insults or misbehavior towards any club member, or during any club function or gathering. These rules are generally reserved for club events, and may also apply if caught by either an Executive member or fellow member if done outside a club event and is a serious offense. Fighting (physically or verbally) with a fellow member or anyone else during events. Dangerous, reckless driving during a club event, on public roads, parking lots, or fields. Keep it cool and to a race track! This includes excessive speeding, burnouts (unless specified event), donuts, etc. Stealing, damaging someone's property, vandalism. Destruction of private property etc. Letting anyone use your membership ID card to receive discounts at club sponsors. Altering or making a copy of your Membership ID card. We will reissue lost or stolen cards. Discrimination of other club members or belittling them. (Remember not everyone can either afford or wishes to upgrade or dress up their cars the same as you). Termination of membership will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Should a member be terminated, they must remove any association with H.A. Enthusiast Club on their vehicle ,e-mail and forum signatures, or websites if applicable. Like all clubs. H.A. Enthusiast Club members must adhere to a code of conduct. While we are not out to police, a basic foundation MUST be followed. This keeps a good standing image among the general public. A simple thing to keep in mind is, once a club has gotten a reputation for having unruly members, it is virtually impossible to rid it's self of that. This drags the entire club and its members down, which could and in most cases would result in loss of sponsorship, membership and lead to a down fall of the club. These simple rules are not flexible nor are the commitment on them! If you break them your membership could be terminated.